Sunday, June 22, 2008

Love That Dog

By Sharon Creech
HarperCollins (2001)

Interest Level: grades 4- 6

Texas Blue Bonnet award Nominee, 2003; Texas
ABC Children's Booksellers Choice Award Winner
2003 ,Middle Grade Readers United States
American Booksellers Book sense Book Of the Year(ABBY) Award
Carnegie Medal Commended 2001 United Kingdom
Christopher Awards Winner 2003 Ages 8-10 United States
Claudia Lewis Winner 2001 Poetry united States
Dorothy Canfield Fisher Children's Book Winner 2003 Vermont
Great Stone Face Award Winner 2003 New Hampshire
Maine Student Book A ward Winner 2003 Grdes 4-8 Maine
Mitten Award Winner 2001 Unite d States
Volunteer State Book Award Winner 2004 Grades 4-6 Tennesse

Category: Fiction
Type: Verse novel

Summary: This is a story about Jack a boy who doesn't want to write poetry. He thinks poetry writing is for girls and doesn't think that he can. Read this book and listen in to Jacks conversation back and forth with his teacher, Ms. Strechberry. Despite himself, Jack is mesmerized by the poetry his teacher reads. Read and share as Jack experiences an appreciation for other poets and finally finds his own voice as a poet as he writes about his dog. Sharon Screech does a wonderful job engaging the reader as she presents Jack's feelings of inadequacy, insecurity and raw honesty. I loved this book and quickly identified with the main character , feeling his fears, joys and marvel at finding his poetry voice.

Online Connections:

Book Connections:
1. Good Dog By Maya Gottfried
2. Dog Tales By Jennifer Rae and Illustrated by Rose Cowley
3. Chasing Redbird by Sharon Creech

Keywords: Poetry, dogs

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